Avista Hospital Midwives; The Birth of Ollie Joy!
I could tell Casey had an awesome vibe just from the email. She's so genuine and happy and I was excited to work with her. I met both Casey and John for their maternity session in Evergreen and knew they would have a wonderful and supported birth together. They were so connected and sentimental with each other. When Casey went into labor, things were intense right from the start. She went to the hospital and I came shortly after. Their midwife, Claudia Berg, one of the Avista Hospital Midwives, was wonderful as she helped Casey through contractions. She labored in the water for a while and then back in their room. After a few hours, we realized Casey was still in early labor, so I went home to rest a bit as Casey continued to have contractions. I came back the next morning and Casey had an epidural, and she was smiling. Everyone was smiling and happy, eager to meet this little baby!
Read more of their birth story through photos.
Baby Girl, Ollie Joy, born at Avista Hospital with Claudia Berg, April 23, 2016.

The Avista hospital midwives offer a spa room for water therapy. 
The room was decorated with lights, and all of the birth center tools were brought in for mom to labor naturally. 

The next morning, their midwife brought pink donuts, in honor of baby girl's arrival today. 
John hated seeing Casey in pain and wanted to take away the pain with each contraction and he did everything he could to help make her comfortable, protect her birth space, and honor her wishes. What a great partner and dad!
After laboring for 20 hours, it was time to push!
Pushing didn't take long!
And then she was here, and their whole world changed in a moment.
Baby Ollie was born into a room full of women, and her amazing dad, on a windy day in April. 
Casey was stunning throughout labor and birth and John was strong and supportive. It was a beautiful birth, surrounded by a wonderful support team. 

Avista Hospital midwife, Claudia Berg, delivered their baby. She was wonderful and supportive and I'm so glad there is such a great option in Lafayette for those in North Denver. 

Interested in having your own birth photographed? Contact me today and we can set up a time for a free consult. I'll buy you coffee and we can chat about birth, photography and your vision.